Frequency Asked Question

Common signs of hearing loss include difficulty understanding speech, asking others to repeat themselves frequently, turning up the volume on electronic devices, and feeling like others are mumbling.

It’s recommended that newborns have a hearing screening before leaving the hospital. Additionally, all children should have their hearing tested by the age of 3, and regularly thereafter, especially if there are concerns about their hearing.

We offer a variety of hearing aid styles, including behind-the-ear (BTE), in-the-ear (ITE), completely-in-the-canal (CIC), and receiver-in-canal (RIC) models. Our audiologists will help you select the most suitable option based on your hearing needs and lifestyle.

We recommend having your hearing aids serviced every 6 to 12 months to ensure optimal performance. Regular maintenance appointments can help prevent issues and prolong the life of your devices.

Speech therapy sessions may include exercises to improve articulation, language comprehension, fluency, voice quality, and social communication skills. Our speech therapists tailor sessions to address each individual’s specific goals and needs.

Yes, speech therapy can be highly effective in treating stuttering. Our speech therapists utilize evidence-based techniques to help individuals improve their fluency, reduce stuttering frequency, and enhance communication confidence.

Yes, our clinic provides comprehensive services for individuals with cochlear implants, including pre-implant evaluations, post-implant rehabilitation, device programming, and ongoing support.

Please bring any relevant medical records, hearing test results (if available), insurance information, and a list of medications you are currently taking. This information will help us better understand your medical history and hearing health needs.

Yes, we offer flexible financing options and accept various forms of payment. Our team can discuss financing plans and payment arrangements to accommodate your budget.

We recommend using earplugs or earmuffs to protect your ears from loud noises in environments such as concerts, construction sites, and sporting events. Limiting exposure to loud sounds and taking regular breaks can also help prevent hearing damage.